Grief Resources
In Loving Arms In-home Euthanasia

Big handsome boy Cooper 2005 - 2016
"No other relationship offers so much unconditional love, no other relationship can improve life so dramatically". - Bash Dibra
Napa Valley Pet Loss Support Group:
This group was founded by Dr. Kimberly Schmidt of Napa Valley Holistic Veterinary Services and is co-hosted by
Rev. Dr. Amanda Tull.
Meetings occur the second Tuesday of the month from
E-mail kschmidt@napaholisticvet.com for meeting information and location.
ASPCA Pet Loss Support Hotline - 877-474-3310
Pet Loss Web Sites:
Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement - aplb.org
Honoring the Bond - vet.osu.edu/honoringthebond
Pet Loss Grief Support - petloss.com
Grief Healing Blog - griefhealingblog.com
Books for Children:
Please click on the icon below for a list of reading material for children experiencing grief and loss
"Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim." - Vicki Harrison